Hey, X. This is just for you.

I think we’d get along

I heard you’re looking for an Product Designer , and I think we’d be a good match.
Here are a few projects that I think you’ll be interested in.

Alexa Auto Mode

Not physical robots, but robots for voice. For the past couple years I’ve been working at Amazon, launching mobile, multimodal experiences for Alexa. With Amazon I’ve focused on safety, engagement, and new technology.

Cisco DNA Center

Focused on troubleshooting and network management, my work at Cisco on DNA Center allows complex internet networks to stay up and running smoothly. We dive deep into machine learning to better understand how to help users.

Amazon Publisher Services

I also worked at Amazon Publisher Services (APS) when I first joined Amazon, a platform that allows websites like CNN.com and mobile apps like Candy Crush to show ads for their users. APS tracks and aggregates data to help these users make the best decisions about what worked, focusing on deep user experience solutions.

Interested? Let’s chat!

I’d love it if you got in touch. Let’s move forward together :)
